Saturday 26 November 2011

No One Would Riot for Less

You may have seen the video by now, but in case you haven't:

That is a crowd of Wal-Mart shoppers in Arkansas losing their shit over $2 waffle makers on Black Friday. ...Let me state that again. This human feeding frenzy is scrambling, clawing, and climbing over one another for waffle makers. As much as I want to sit back and enjoy the comedy of this clip (and oh, it's there: the accents, the indiscriminate ass cracks; the irony that a waffle maker—of all things—can simultaneously be so invaluable as to only cost $2, and yet so precious that people are willing to sacrifice life and limb for it; the crosssing-the-streams result of putting together "Arkansas" and "Wal-Mart" in the same sentence...), I just keep coming back to one thought: This is why the world hates America.

There are a lot of countries where this type of scene happens more than once a year. But, instead of cheap kitchen appliances that are about as essential to daily life as an anniversary gift is to Kim Kardashian, the people are figthing over food and water. How embarrassed would you be as an American to have to sit next to someone from Darfur as they watch that clip?

I love this nation of ours. But, what I don't love, is the entitled state of mind that we've fallen into. Priorities are no longer a priority. Common sense was shot on the side of the road and left to die the day Fox News' gang of buffoons decided to label Common Sense as a cop-killing gangsta rapper. One of my friends, in arguing against the merits of the #OccupyWallStreet movement, said that the Civil Rights movement never achieved anything, either.


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