Wednesday 20 July 2011

Tail Report: Hope Solo

Coverage of the US Women's Soccer Team in the recent World Cup has brought some racing heartbeats to this great nation of ours, and not just for the last-second heroics. Miss Solo, a goalie whose eyes can stop you in your tracks even faster than her quick reflexes can a penalty kick, has been America's darling over the last couple of weeks as we've watched her lead our team to the championship game, and heartbreakingly close to the championship itself. She even inspired a family feud for yours truly, causing my cousin and I to have a tweet-off over the rights to her heart. [I'm saying, Cuz... You may have the cool job, but I got the height! WHAT??]

She's still adjusting to her newfound fame though, as this clip with forward Alex Morgan (another US standout, both on the field and off) shows.

Sleep deprivation is a hell of a drug. I've got faith in you to get it right the next time though, babe. Call me (and not my knuckleheaded cousin).

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