Monday 11 April 2011

"The next time you have a thought...let it go."

They say America is a land full of opportunity and great ideas. But when President Obama recently said, "We do big things," he wasn't talking about this.

From The Huffington Post:
There are stupid products, and then there are products that make you lose faith in the human race altogether. The "Slobstopper," an adult bib made for in-car eating, definitely falls into the latter category.

This real, ridiculous product comes with an equally ridiculous commercial that suggests drinking coffee or eating in your car without spilling all over yourself is simply too hard to do, what with all the attractive women walking by.
As if all of that wasn't absurd enough, you have the added comedy in the suggestion that a hot woman would in some way be attracted to a guy drooling coffee all over his glorified dentist's bib.

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